Thursday 1 November 2012

FINDINGS : Vegetarianism & Buddhism

Some argue that Buddha accepted flesh eating and therefore it is not a sin. And, he too died of eating a pork curry offered to him.

First of all, we must stress the fact that it was not a pork curry, but a mushroom curry which made Buddha ill. Still, in some parts of India they have the type of mushroom that’s named “Sukara Mansha”.

Buddha didn’t put restrictions on the matter of eating flesh because monks of those days lived a very moderate life. They depended on the alms given to them and had to accept what were offered to them except ten types of meat; namely, Human flesh, horse flesh, elephant flesh, dog flesh, snake flesh, lion flesh, tigers’ & bears’ flesh, leopard & hyena flesh.

Human flesh because it was our own species; horse & elephant flesh because they were royal property; dog and snake flesh because they were disgusting, other five types because they could smell that you have eaten their own species and might attack you.

Buddha firmly said that nobody should eat the flesh of animals if he hears, sees or suspects that they were killed specially for the eater, himself; showing us the fact that killing for flesh is unacceptable. Buddha followed and taught us the middle path. Therefore, he didn’t put restrictions on anything unless it was absolutely necessary.

Let’s be logical; first of the five precepts a Buddhist should observe is, ‘not taking others’ lives’. Even if it was not us who had killed the being, of whose flesh we ate, we cannot avoid the fact that we have encouraged its killing. If we stop eating the flesh of other animals, the killing of those animals too would stop.

We strongly believe that one cannot do loving kindness (“Maithree“) meditation if one eats others’ flesh. How could one wish for health, happiness and well-being of others while eating them ?

We do not keep dead bodies at homes; do we? So, why should we make our stomachs cemeteries where dead bodies are buried?
Please consider this.

Buddhists, show that you are real Buddhists. Refrain from eating others’ flesh which would make you a walking cemetery.

May The Triple Gem Bless You!

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