Thursday 1 November 2012



 The Tamang songs are known as “Tamang Selo”. There are light songs as well as songs with philosophical thoughts. Tamang light songs are called Fabar Wohoi. These songs express the day to day joys and sorrows of the life. The Songs containing philosophical thoughts are generally sung by the Tamba which is called Tambala Wohoi. There are also duet songs which are sung between two parities in the form of questions and answers, one party put some riddles which the other party has to reply in time.

The different kinds of Wohoi Songs are as follows: -
• Sangla Wohoi: - It is a kind of obeisance offered to Gods and Goddesses of different regions and directions.

• Sayr Geymla Wohoi: - It is sung while offering sacrifices to God.

• Moibala-Hai-Wohoii: - It is a kind of prayer asking for the blessing of the God and Goddesses asking blessing from them to enable to sing rightly.

• Damphu Sengba Wohoi: - It is the song on the creation of the musical instrument Damphu.

Tamang Selo has transcended the boundary of linguistic, cultural and social limits. All other Nepali Communities have adopted selo in their music and emotional expression.

• Sacjoua Nam Chiya Wohoi: - It is the song of the creation of the universe.

• Nela Wohoi: - It is a song of the various places.

• Guudni Chayala Wohoi: - It is the song on the origin of the sacred Ganges.

• Raoichen Chyopghy Wohoi: - It is the song on the different clans and sub-clans of the Tamangs. All the above type of songs contains deep philosophic and religious thoughts. '

There are songs of humor and wit, philosophical thoughts and of joys and sorrows of life as well. The natural surrounding around which they live have made them sentimental and emotional and such feeling have come out from their heart naturally

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