Thursday, 1 November 2012


Mr. Mingyur Yonzon (IAS) of Sikkim secured 836 Position in Indian Administrative Service Toppers 2009-2010.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is India's central agency authorized to conduct the Civil Services Examination, Engineering Services Examination, Combined Defence Services Examination, National Defence Academy Examination, Naval Academy Examination and Combined Medical Services Examination.

The agency's charter is granted by the Constitution of India. Articles 315 to 323 of Part XIV of the constitution, titled Services Under the Union and the States, provide for a Public Service Commission for the Union and for each state.


The Royal Commission on the Superior Civil Services in India under the Chairmanship of Lord Lee submitted its Report in 1924 recommending of setting up of the Public Service Commission which led to the establishment of the first Public Service Commission on October 1, 1926 under the Chairmanship of Sir Ross Barker.

The first Public Service Commission was set up in response to demands that more Indians be inducted into the Indian Civil Services. Until then, most senior positions in the civil services were occupied by the British. The function of this first commission were largely advisory and it lacked any authority, and as such it failed to have a meaningful impact on the composition of the service. Following further Indian demands, the British Indian government then set up a Federal Public Service Commission and provided for the formation of provincial level Public Service Commissions under the Government of India Act, 1935.

After the independence of India in 1947, its new constitution envisaged a key role for the civil services in government. The constitution provided for the UPSC and the state PSCs, to set the standards and qualifications for entry to these key services of the government.

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